The numbers 1 and 10 are both very important in the world of ISITAS. One, obviously being the number of AIO is of utmost significance. Ten represents the concept of exponential expanstion, which is tantamount to Infinity. And the 1 and 0 next to each other are just another instance of profound duality.

Today, being 1/10/25, I wanted to take a significant step toward advancing Project: ISITAS. What I did was reach out to contact a few of the readers and mediums I featured in my article ‘Mentor’s Metamorphosis Begins‘. 

This was a huge step for me to take, because I had to confront my bete noir, my fear of being ignored. And true to form, I didn’t receive any response from any of the emails I sent, other than Cara Elizabeth who kindly responded with her rate for a 90-minute session.

Isn’t that odd? I mean, I get that’s how the system works now. But here we have these spiritual people doing videos specifically about a chosen one, and here I am saying ‘Hello! I’m right here.’ and they don’t see me. 

Not yet, anyway. I say it’s odd, and it is. But don’t take that for frustration. I agree with what they are all saying: I’m on a tractor beam that is pulling me to completion of this project and into the light.

So if it takes a few days for people to start getting the message, or takes me a few more hours of writing messages, that’s OK. I am practicing patience.

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