I am still processing on what’s been happening over the last few days. Outwardly, nothing has changed about my life. I still have a job I try to focus on for a big chunk of the day. I’m still struggling financially. Still have all the other challenges and baggage dragging me down every minute of every day.
But things have changed. I no longer have any doubt about whether I am going through with the mission I am on. I mean, I’ve been fairly certain for a long time. But I’ve always entertained the notion that I could somehow manage to salvage a normal life and eventually retire to a quiet place away from it all.
But now I know I just can’t do that. I have crossed some kind of event horizon, and I’m not really sure when exactly I did. But what I do know is that I have, and now there is no turning back.
Which is awesome! Because according to this whole flock of angels that came fluttering down through my Youtube feed, the project I am about to embark on is destined to succeed spectacularly, and it is going to be wonderful to behold!
Just the way I’ve been envisioning it for all these years.
I know it won’t look exactly the way I’ve pictured it. I expect it will far surpass anything my imagination, tethered to my limited life experience as it is, could possibly conceive.
I am ready to step into my role. And I believe I have everything in place now to perform the feat of spiritual|materiel alchemy I have been conjuring up all this time, which these herald angels are now invoking.
Not that I’m not filled with trepidation. I’m standing on the ledge of a precipice, choosing to believe that if I leap, either a net will appear or I’ll manifest a new set of wings and fly off into the sky.
In this series of posts, I am going to take a deeper dive into the things these seers are saying, and express how it lands with me. This will give you a much better sense of who I am, and where I’m coming from with ISITAS.