Hello World,

It is I, Mentor, carrying on with my mission to reach out and share my solutions to the metacrisis currently faced by Humanity.

Though the official launch of ISITAS on January 1, 2025 wasn’t met with much fanfare, it was a very significant milestone to me. I may not be bragging about the amazing quality of my presentation, but I am proud that I made the appointed date and time, and that the plan is proceeding.

Once I had posted my launch videos and sent the announcement to my tiny Friends of ISITAS list, I kicked back to check out a couple of Youtubes before heading to bed. The first one I saw jumped out at me: Chosen Ones 🫧 This Will Find You Right Before It Happens 🌬️. In this video, Tookie, a tarot reader/channeler is doing a reading for her collective, but it sounded like just about everything she said was directed at me. She was spot on with a bunch of things she touched on.

The gist of the message is:

This is my time. I’ve been preparing for this all my life, and really this is much bigger than just this lifetime. The timing is right, and I am ready to go, with all I need at my disposal.

Total paraphrasing there, but something along those lines. The point is, it really resonated with me. That is exactly how I’m feeling right now. Even though I’ve had to overcome many challenges, and still am facing very daunting obstacles, I feel like I am just about to shed all of that and accelerate rapidly into a bright future.

Anyway, I watched another of Tookie’s videos and then a similar one popped up in my Youtube scroll, this one by a channeler named Golden titled 333🥹THIS MSG WILL FIND YOU WHEN YOURE READY.

Same thing! It sounded like she was talking directly to me. Not 100% of the time, of course. They are speaking to a collective, so it’s up to us to find the part of the message that is relevant for us. But some of the things she said were so on target for me that it was just uncanny.

Then, the next day, I saw two more videos pop up in my stream along the same lines. You are a chosen one. You are getting spiritual assistance. It is all about to happen very soon and very rapidly.


“Well, duh”, I hear you say. “It’s the Youtube algorithm. They threw something up at you, you watched it all the way through, so they presented some similar videos. No big mystery.”

It’s a good point. The last thing I want to be is someone who is desperately chasing after tarot readers and mediums to validate my delusions of grandeur.

But the thing is, I hadn’t been watching ‘chosen one’ or tarot-related videos recently. So the Youtube algorithm just happened to randomly try out that topic right after my ISITAS launch? Seems like quite a coincidence. And since when is Youtube’s algorithm so great at matching exactly what I’m interested in?

Probabilities aside, the bottom line is that I believe those videos did find me right at this point in time, and I do feel that those readers and channelers were feeling the vibrations of what is coming.

It’s here already. All you have to do is read through the pages of the ISITAS.org website, and you’ll see what’s going on.

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