Walking into the 1/11/25 Portal.

Update: My message for the r/Spirituality community did not get past the moderators. They took it down after it had gotten 142 views and no likes or comments. So it seems neither the moderators nor the members of the r/Spirituality subreddit are digging what I’m putting out there. I think it’s time to shake the dust off my feet and move on to other channels.

Following is a post I put up on r/Sprituality on 1/11 at 1:11. Hopefully it will get past the moderators.

I would be grateful for any and all insights or advice about how I should move forward in the very unusual circumstances in which I find myself. I have always had the sense that I was meant to do something big and important in life. But I’ve also always felt the need to suppress the impulse to pursue my dreams and visions, which didn’t mesh with the realities of my particular circumstances.

In the milieu in which I have always lived, all anyone ever expected or wanted from me was that I support myself economically and not bother them with my problems. I have never received much support for any of my attempts to elevate myself above my station, and I have reluctantly taken a position in the socioeconomic system. For a long time, I have mostly kept my ideas about a global transformation based on spiritual awakening to myself.

But though my community dismissed me and I censored myself, nothing could stop the process that had begun decades before. I couldn’t unsee what I had seen, and every waking moment of my life ever since has been preoccupied with unraveling and reconstructing the secret key that had been revealed to me.

It has been a rough road at times. I have definitely been on my own personal Hero’s Journey.

And now I have the distinct impression that I have finally reached a long-awaited breakthrough, at which point everything shifts radically for me personally along with the whole world.

I know that this sounds like the ramblings of someone suffering from delusions of grandeur. Believe me, I’ve been pondering that question my whole life.

But now I feel quite sure. It’s not delusions of grandeur. I have the goods, and I am currently eager to share them with anyone with the desire or curiosity to check them out.

I won’t go into it here, as I wouldn’t want to set off any alarms around self-promotion. I don’t want to get on the bad side of the moderators or the algorithm. 😉

So, I’ll just leave it at that and come back to my question.

Because the thing is, though I am certain I have solutions that people should be paying attention to, nobody is paying any attention to them. Nobody even knows about them. Nobody knows about me. I have to keep my identity secret so I don’t jeopardize my income stream. So I live as a virtual hermit, whiling away my hours in peaceful isolation — but always knowing that I hold this key with the potential to change everything.

So when I post an article on Medium, nobody reads it. When I post a video on Youtube, no one watches it. If I send somebody an email, they brush me off. My content sits there online as the months and years roll by, with the traffic hardly moving at all.

At least that’s the way it always has been. It almost just feels like I was supernaturally blocked all those years, because it just wasn’t the right time.

But now I believe the time is right, and it is time for me to move. And I’m ready to go!

It’s just that I’m not really sure what to do. I know that in order for all of this to work, people are going to need to go and absorb what I’m putting out there. But so far I haven’t cracked the code on how to get them to do that. Not when I have no money to spend, no connections, and no identity. Also, I am trying to do this from the grass roots. I don’t want to just go buy advertising for it, (even if I could afford it).

Anyway, I could go on and on about the obstacles I face, but I also realize that the main thing I need to change is my disconnection with Spirit.

Isn’t that ironic?! I have developed an entirely new type of socioeconomic system based on Oneness and spirituality, even though I consistently operate on the 3D plane at the mental level.

Don’t get me wrong. I 100% believe that I am of the One Source and that this temporal reality is an illusion. I feel it deep in my soul and I’ve deduced it logically. I just don’t experience it profoundly in this life. That is, I don’t channel from the other side or have any psychic abilities. I don’t meditate or pray — at least not overtly. I am just left to my own devices in this materialistic world — like I was dropped into the Outback for a walkabout.

And I have no doubt that it was all part of what needed to happen. But now I believe that it’s time to break through my own walls and defenses and open up to Spirit. It’s just that I still seem to be stuck or blocked in doing so.

I believe the path is through connection with others, but that is apparently my greatest challenge. I suppose this message itself is my attempt to reach out to connect with someone who can help me align with Spirit and/or move toward my divine purpose.

But this Reddit post is probably my biggest play today. I’m not sure what else to do. Which brings me back to my original question: What would you do if you were me?


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